Po dolgem času spet nekaj novega branja. Tokrat intervju z domačim bendom Real Life Version , ki bi svojo glasbo opisal kot "Rock-ish...
Punk rockholiday is over and we are home again. Exhausted and happy to be home to catch some sleep, but at the same time sad to leave tha...
The next interview is great, drunk, short interview with DEAD NECK , amazing band from UK, that plays f ast, silly, hardcore punk rock. You...
V duhu celotnega tedna, tedna Punk Rock Holiday-a, sva se odločila pripraviti dva intervjuja, in sicer z dvema bandoma, ki bosta letos v Tol...
I bet every single person that decided to go vegan after years of their “regular” diet, thought of at least one food they are going to miss...
Lucky for us, guys from awesome Swedish melodic-hardcore band Rebuke also had some spare time (well, Petter did) while preparing for the t...
We are happy to post our first punk rock music related post. It's an interview with Danish skate/indie-core band Forever Unclean . The ...
Hey there! We were thinking about the introduction, but decided that stories about lost love, inspiration and life goals are not for us ...
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Po dolgem času spet nekaj novega branja. Tokrat intervju z domačim bendom Real Life Version , ki bi svojo glasbo opisal kot "Rock-ish...
Šesti dan je bil namenjen celodnevnu izletu proti severu. Mislim, da je bila odločitev, da dam 25 funtov za turistično turo do Velikanove po...
Po treh dneh (v glavnem) počitka, pospravljanja in kuhanja sem se končno spravila napisat še zadnjo objavo na temo potepanja po Irski....