Travel: IRELAND (Day 2: A little bit of Dublin and a little bit of Galway)

Scroll down for English. :)

Ne vem kaj je krivo, druga država, drugi časovni pas, ozka postlja, neznano okolje ali "cimra" v sobi z 12-imi posteljami, ki je celo noč smrkala, ampak mislim, da nisem skoraj nič spala. Kar pa sem, sem pa sanjala čudne sanje. Tako sem se zlahka, ker tako ali tako nisem spala, spravila ob 7.30 iz postlje, se umila, pojedla fajn zajtrk v zelo všečni jedilnici in se odpravila ven. V dež. Juhuhu. Pa ne uni dež, ki ga v temu predelu Evrope pričakuješ (uni ne tič ne miš dež, ko se ti niti dežnika ne splača odpret), ne ne, to je bil pravi dež, za zmočit hlače. Ampak jaz se ne dam, z odprtim dežnikom sem zakorala iz hostla in ... ugotovila, da nimam pojma kje točno sem oziroma kam moram it. Mona jaz, nisem imela zemljevida oziroma je bil pospravljen v zaklenjeni kletki v sobi v hostlu. Ok, na srečo obstaja Google Maps in 1 GB brezplačnega podatkovnega prenosa v tujini. In tako sem lahko odčofotala vse do Trinity Collage. 

Seveda sem se vmes parkrat zgubila (ja ja, za naprej sem si zrihtala zemljevid), na koncu pa vseeno skozi velika vrata zakorakala v Trinity College. Najprej sem se malo sprehodila, poslikala, nato pa poiskala znamenito dolgo knjižnico. Na vhodu sem se žalostno zavedla, da nisem več študent in da bo treba dat 2€ več. Davek na odraslost, damn. Sem pa potem zanalašč malo večkrat vdahnila vonj po starih knjigah. Mmmmmmm. :)

Na srečo je dež med tem nehal in se je celo pokazalo sonce. Ravno prav za sprehod ob reki Liffey, zgubljanju oziroma hoji po manjših ulicah z dvignjeno glavo v smislu "ne nisem izgubljena, dobro poznam to mesto in načrtno hodim po tej uličici", prečkanje Ha'penny mosta in prijateljevanje z galebi, ki most očitno stražijo. :D 

Sledil je check-out iz hostla ter vožnja z busom vse do Galwaya. Med dooolgo vožnjo sem uživala ob gledanju zelenih travnikov in pašnikov in krav in ovc in krav in ovc in konjev in ovc in enega osla. :D In seveda idiličnih hišic (takoj bi eno mela!) in še bolj idiličnih trat pred hišami. 

V Galwayu hiter check-in v hostel potem pa še hitrejša hoja do falafla. Pozno kosilo, ma konkretno. :) Ko sem se okrepčala pa si je bilo treba ogledat znamenitosti, kot na primer Španski obok (se opravičujem če prevod ni pravi) in Galwaysko katedralo, nato pa sem se sprehodila do obale in si malo odpočila že kar utrujene noge. Galway mi deluje kot mesto v katerem bi bilo super študirat. Ima veliko zelenih površin, ki so bile zaradi sončnega vremena polne mladine v spremstvu piv. Poleg tega pa na vsakih 20 metrih na glavni ulici odmeva različna živa glasba: od violin ter kitar orgljic, od folka do čustvenih španskih pesmi. Zvečer pa je v skoraj vsakem baru živa glasba. Čudovito mesto, polno ljudi, glasbe in življenja. :) 

Seveda sem si na koncu prislužila pivo. Zavila sem v The Salt House, saj mi je Foursquare povedal, da imajo super zbirko lokalnih craft piv in si privoščila Via Maris (Session IPA) iz pivovarne Galway Bay Brewery. Kam češ bolj lokalno. Pa super za osvežitev po celem dnevu in za tolažbo utrujenim nogam. Cena pa primerljiva domačim. 4,50€ za pint ... se da preživet. Seveda bo treba ostat samo na eni (khm, ubistvu sem spila še en Bay Ale, red ale, ista pivovarna), ker komaj čakam, da se vrnem v hostel, si slečem potne cunje, se končno stuširam in zavijem v odejo ter se pripravim, fizično in psihično na nove dogodivščine, ki me čakajo jutri. 

Cheers, Kaja.

1 & 2: Jacob's Inn (hostel)
3, 4 & 5: Trinity College
6 & 7: Dublin Promenade
8 & 9: Ha'penny Bridge
10: Falafel
11: Galway Cathedral
12 & 13: Galway
14 & 15: The Salt House

I don't know what's the reason, maybe it's the new country, different time zone, small bed, unfamiliar territory or a "roommate" that couldn't properly blow her nose all night, but I think I barely slept at night. And when I did I had some strange dreams. So since I wasn't really sleeping anymore, I got up at 7.30 AM, got ready, eat breakfast in a very likable dinning room and went out. Into the rain. Great. And it wasn't even drizzling like it's supposed to here, it was pouring. But I didn't give up. I opened my umbrella and got out of the hostel and ... realized I have no idea where exactly I am or where I'm going. Stupid me, I had no map with me. Thank god (actually Google) for Google Maps and for free 1 GB of roaming. So I started walking towards Trinity College. 

Of course I got lost a few times (I got a map now, for further sightseeing), but in the end I entered the Trinity College through the big doors. I first took a look around, took some photos and then looked for the famous long library. At the entrance I sadly realized that I'm not a student anymore and so I had to pay 2€ extra. The toll of being an adult. Consequently, I took two more big stiffs of the old books smell in the library. Worth it. :) 

Luckily, the rain stoped when I was in the library and the sun came out. Perfect for a walk by the Liffey River, getting lost aka walking through small streets with my head held high and sending the "no, I'm not lost, I know exactly which street this is", crossing the Ha'penny Brige and getting acquainted with the seagulls that look like they guard the bridge. :D

After that I checked out of the hostel and sat on the bus that took me to Galway. During the really looong ride to Galway I enjoyed the view of green fields and I saw cows and sheep and cows and sheep and horses and sheep and a donkey. :D And also perfect little houses (can I have one, please?!) with even more perfect grass in front of them. 

A quick check-in in Galway City Hostel and an even faster walk to falafel. A late but proper lunch. :) After that it was time to do some sightseeing, so I went to see the Spanish Arch, Galway Cathedral and some other stuff, ending on the beach relaxing my tired legs. Galway looks like a city where you could go to university. It has a lot of greens, which were, because it was a sunny day, filled with young people accompanied with beers. Also, every 20 meters on the main street you can hear a different kind of music: violins, guitars, harmonica, folk music and also some sad Spanish ballads and there is live music in almost every bar in the evening. What a wonderful city, full of people, music and life. :)

Of course, I deserved a beer in the end. I got it at The Salt House, which according to Foursquare has a great selection of local craft beers. And let me tell you, Via Maris (Session IPA) from Galway Bay Brewery soothed my tired legs perfectly. Also, the price was quite close to the prices back at home, 4.50€ for a pint ... that's manageable. But I will have to stick to just one (weeeeeell, acutally I also had the Bay Ale, red ale, same brewery), because I actually can't wait to come back to the hostel, to take off my sweaty clothes, to take a shower and then go to bed to physically and emotionally prepare myself for tomorrow and for new adventures that await.

Cheers, Kaja. 


Vegan gourmands. Good beer lovers. Punk rock and folk music listeners. Blogging enthusiasts.

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