Travel: IRELAND (Day 3: Cliffs of Moher)

Scroll down for English. :)

Spanje mi očitno ni usojeno. Zaradi zeloooo glasnega smrčanja Američana v sosednjem pogradu sem skupaj spravila nekje maksimalno 4 ure spanja. Tudi čepki niso pomagali. Na koncu so nekoliko pomagale slušalke in tiha glasba in tako sem po dolgih urah matranja končno malo zaspala. Vseeno sem ubogala budilko in se iz postlje spravila ob 6.30 se zrihtala, pojedla pošten zajtrk (tokrat je bilo na voljo celo sojino mleko, ni bilo pa kave, vsaj ne prave, tako da prav dosti mi ni koristilo), vrnila kartico, spravila nahrbtnik pri recepciji in s pomočjo manjše in starejše zelo prijazne Azijke (toliko o stiku z lokalci :D - receptor v hostlu ni niti vedu, da je že tako zgodaj avtobus ...), ob 8.00 ulovila avtobus, ki me je popeljal do slavnih klifov Cliffs of Moher (Moherski klifi? Pojma nimam :D).

Sledila je dvourna vožnja proti jugu. Spet je bilo vse okoli mene zeleno, tokrat ogromno krav, manj ovc in par oslov več. Ko smo se začeli bližati klifom se je odprl pogled na morje. In to kako morje. Jezno. Razburkano. Visoki valovi. Surferski (ne lažem, sem jih vidla! No, polno parkirišče ob plaži na kateri sem sklepala, da so surferji. Mislim pri takem valovih, vetru in mrazu pa res nimaš kaj drugega delat v/pri morju :D). Nato pa se je obala začela vedno bolj dvigovat, dokler nismo prišli do slavnih klifov.

Lahko bi nakladala kako je bilo čudovito, neverjetno, mirno (ker sem dejansko bila tako zgodaj tam, da nas je bilo na celotni dolžini krifov na začetku najbrž ene 30 turistvo), malo strašljivo, še malo bolj vetrovno, kakšno spoštovanje do narave sproži pogled na klife in na razburkano morje pod njimi, ampak nima smisla. Sama sem brala že veliko opisov, videla ogromno slik, ampak nič se ne more primerjati z občutki, ki sem jih sama doživela, ko sem z odprtimi usti slonela na ograji ter ko sem kasneje, "na robu" (z varnostno razdaljo seveda), nekaj minut uživala v popolnem miru in poslušala šumenje jeznega morja pod mano. Toliko napisanih besed, ampak vseeno sem bila takrat popolnoma brez njih (ok ajde, sem sama na potovanju, s kom pa se bi lahko sploh pogovarjala :D).

Kar mi je še ostalo časa, sem izkoristila za hitro kosilo (in bitko z dvema vranama, ki sta mi na vsak način hoteli ukrasti panin z arašidovim maslom), ogleda razstave, zgražanje nad cenami magnetkov in pitje kave, nato pa sem se usedla na bus, ki me je peljal nazaj do Galwaya. Tam sem pobrala nahrbtnik, preverila kako zgleda blog na računalniku, nato pa šla na avtobusno postajo ter počakala na avtobus, ki me je v skoraj štirih urah pripeljal do Dublina.

Pozna ura in utrujenost sta klicali po postelji, tako da je objavljanje bloga moralo počakati. Sedaj jem zajtrk. Noč sem s pomočjo Daughter in Florence + the Machine v večini prespala (kljub enemu glasnemu sekaču pod mano), sem pa zdaj bolj utrujena kot prejšnje dni. Ah, bo že. Ob 9ih imam bus proti Belfastu. Mogoče bo pa tam kaj drugače. Druga država, nove dogodivščine. :)

Cheers, Kaja.

I guess I'm not supposed to sleep on this trip. My American roommate snored loudly whole night long, so I think I got 4 hours of sleep max. Earplugs didn't help at all. In the end I got my earphones and listened to some quiet music and then, after a few hours of trying, I finally fell asleep. Even so, I got up at 6.30 AM, got ready, ate a proper breakfast (there was soy milk this time, but no coffee to put the milk into, so it didn't do me any good), returned the card, put the backpack in the storage room and with the help of an older Asian lady (not really a communication with a local - the guy at the hostel's reception actually had no idea there was a bus so early) caught the 8AM bus to the famous Cliffs of Moher.

A two-hour drive to the South followed. Like yesterday, everything around me was green, there were many cows, less sheep and two or three donkeys more. When we were getting closer to the cliffs, we started seeing the sea. And what a sea. Angry. Rough. High waves. Waves for surfing (I'm not lying, I saw them! Well, I saw a full parking lot next to a beach and I assumed that everybody is surfing, because what else can you do on a beach and in the sea in such a cold and windy weather and in such high waves :D). After that, the coast was rising and rising, until we arrived to the famous cliffs.

I could go on and on about this wonderful, unbelievable, tranquil (since I was there so early there were like 30 tourist all over the cliffs), a little bit scary, a little bit more windy place and about the respect you feel towards mother nature when you look at the cliffs and at the rough sea bellow them, but it wouldn't be worth it. I've read a lot of stories and saw tons of photos, but nothing gets close to the emotions that I felt when I stared at the cliffs with my mouth open and then later, "on the edge" (in a safe distance, of course), enjoyed a few minutes of complete peace and listened to the whispers of the rough sea beneath me. I've written so many words about it, but when I was there I was completely speechless (well, I'm traveling by myself so who am I even going to speak to :D).

I also had a quick lunch (and a fight with two crows that wanted to steal my peanut butter sandwich), visit the exhibition, complained about the high prices of fridge magnets and drank coffee, and then I got on the bus back to Galway. There I got my backpack, checked out how the blog looks on the computer and then went to the bus station and took the bus back to Dublin. The ride took me almost 4 hours.

I was so tired when I got to the hostel that the only thing I wanted to do was sleep. Blogging had to wait. Right now I'm eating breakfast. Thanks to Daughter and Florence + the Machine I slept through most of the night (even though there was a loud snorer beneath me), but I'm more tired right now than I was yesterday. But I'll survive. I'm taking the 9 AM bus to Belfast and can't wait for the adventures that await for me there, in a new country. :)

Cheers, Kaja.


Vegan gourmands. Good beer lovers. Punk rock and folk music listeners. Blogging enthusiasts.

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