Travel: IRELAND (Day 5: More Belfast)

Končno ena noč, ki sem jo (skoraj) celo prespala. Fajn je bilo tudi to, da se mi zjutri v bistvu ni nikamor mudilo in sem se lahko počasi prebudila, pojedla zajtrk, objavila včerajšnje pisanje na blog ter se spravila ven. Hvala za dobre želje, zunaj je bilo sončke. Prosim, privoščite mi ga še jutri. :)

No, poleg sonca je bil zunaj tudi veter, tak ta pravi, mrzel in močen, kot ga poznamo pri nas, kadar je hudo. Da bi me čim manj prepihalo sem se zavila kot Eskim. Prav nič se nisem sekirala, da so me domačini, nekateri samo v kratkih majčkah, čudno gledali. :D

Sprehodila sem se čez Belfast do različnih znamenitosti. Albert Memorial Clock me je zelo spominjala na Big Ben, nahaja se pa prav zraven bara, kjer jutri igrajo Start at Zero, tako da zdaj točno vem, kam bo treba jutri it. Nato sem vidla veliko ribo, kovinske tjulne (najbrž niso znamenitost, ampak meni so bili všeč :D) ter skulpturo z imenom Beacon of Hope.

Sledil pa je še zelo vetroven sprehod mimo različnih bark, med drugim SS Nomadic ter HMS Caroline, ter muzeja posvečenega Titaniku. Žal sem škrt in nisem hotela pustiti okoli 20€ tam, tako da sem se raje še malo sprehodila, vse do doka, kjer je bil Titanik zasidran in kjer so ga napolnili z gorivom. Nato pa sem se začela vračat in ker so bile noge že zelo težke, sem se ustavila v kavarni, ki deluje na principu, da za kupljeno kavo, pijačo in/ali hrano plačaš toliko, kolikor misliš, da je bila vredna. Zakon princip!

To je pa to. Potem sem se vrnila v hostel, si skuhala ogromno porcijo pašte s pomidori in čičeriko in uživala ob gledanju stand-up komikov na televiziji. Leno popoldne, ampak preprosto nisem imela več energije za karkoli drugega. Jo moram malo prišparat za jutri, saj me čaka dolg dan. Najprej celodnevni izlet do Giant's Causeway, potem pa koncert. Se že veselim, vsega! :)

Cheers, Kaja.

Finally, I slept (almost) all night. It was also nice that I didn't have to rush anywhere in the morning and I had time to wake up, eat breakfast, post yeasterday's blog and go out. Thank you for keeping your fingers crossed, you made it sunny. Please, do that again tomorrow. :)

It was also really windy. The wind was cold and strong, like the wind usually is back at home. I wrapped myself up like a burrito, so I wouldn't be cold. I didn't care that the locals, some just in t-shirts, were looking at me like I was a weirdo. :D

I walked around and saw different things. The Albert Memorial Clock really reminded me of the Big Ben, and it was located just next to the bar where Start at Zero are playing tomorrow, so now I know where I have to go. After that I saw a big fish, some metal seals (not really a famous thing, but I liked them :D) an the Beacon of Hope sculpture.

After that I passed a lot of ships, like SS Nomadic and HMS Caroline, and got to the Titanic Museum. I'm cheap so I didn't want to pay around 20€ to see the museum, so I just walked around a little bit more. I went to the Titanic's dock and the Pump house. After that I started going back to the hostel, but my legs were really tired, so I stopped at a caffe with a great concept. It has an honesty box, which means that you can pay for your food and/or drinks whatever you thing it was worth it. What a great concept!

And that's it. After that I got back to the hostel, made myself a huge plate of pasta with chickpeas and tomato sauce and watch some stand up comedy on the tv. A lazy afternoon, but I didn't have the energy to do anything else. I have to save it for tomorrow, cause it's gonna be a long day. First I'm going on a day-trip to Giant's Causeway, and after that to a concert. Can't wait! :)

Cheers, Kaja.


Vegan gourmands. Good beer lovers. Punk rock and folk music listeners. Blogging enthusiasts.

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