Travel: IRELAND (Day 4: A little bit of Belfast)

Če sem prav iskrena, bi najrajši samo slike objavila, ker se mi prav nič ne da pisat. Ampak, kar sem začela moram tudi končati. Torej, četrti dan. Ko sem prišla v Belfast sem odšla do hostla. Sicer mi je bilo prvo rečeno, da moram počakat še kako uro prej kot se bom lahko check-inala, ampak kar sm se udomačila na prijetnem kavču in pokoristila malo wifi, je moja soba že bila pripravljena, tako da sem dobila najprej ogled celotnega, zelo hudega, prijetnega, super opremljenega (če ne štejem starih postelj) hostla, nato pa sem se utaborila v postlji, ki se mi je za naslednje 3 noči zdela najbolj optimalna. 

Nato sem odšla na kosilo v mehiško take-away restavracijo, se vrnila v hostel in zmazala eno tono riža z dvema tonama fižola in precej pekoče (pisalo je srednje pekoča, ampak očitno imajo drugačne standarde) omake. Ker nikakor ne morem bit pri miru očitno, sem nato šla do botaničnega vrta ter Ulster muzeja, ki vsebuje vse, od irske umetnosti in zgodovine, pa vse do živali, kamnin in ostalih stvari, značilnih za ta del sveta. 

Kljub temu, da sem bila v bistvu že precej utrujena, sem rekla, da ne grem še v hostel, pred 6. uro tako ali tako ni vključena topla voda, in naredila še dodatnih 6000+ korakov po Belfastu. Sprehodila sem se do mestne hiše, si ogledala memorial žrtvam Titanika ter moderno skulpturo z imenom Duh Belfasta oziroma zaničevalno imenovano tudi čebulni obročki. :)

Po tem pa v hostel, pod dolg tuš in zmazat ogromen krožnik pašte s pomidori. Tudi skuhat si je fajn na potovanju. Sedaj sem pa res lena in utrujena, tako da bom počasi kar spat šla. Prosim, držite pesti, da bo naslednja dva dneva lepo vreme oziroma da vsaj ne bo dežja tukaj. Jutri me namreč čaka ogled preostalih znamenitosti Belfasta, kar pomeni celodnevno hojo po mestu. V petek pa imam v načrtu turo proti severu, do Giant's Causeway, kjer bi bilo tudi fajn in bolj varno, če ne bi bilo dežja. V petek se pa tudi že prvič srečam s fanti iz Start at Zero. Uf, hitro gre to. No v glavnem, držite pesti! Hvala. :) 

Cheers, Kaja. 

RISE - kovinska skulptura v Belfastu / a metal sculpture in Belfast

Vagabonds Hostel

Boojum - mehiška restavracija / mexican food

Queen's University

Botanični vrt / Botanical garden

Mestna hiša / City Hall

The Spirit of Belfast

If I'm honest, I would rather just post photos today. But I have to finish what I started. So, day four. When I got to Belfast I went to my hostel. At first I was told I had to wait for another hour, so I relaxed on a comfy sofa, but before I could properly (ab)use the wi-fi, they told me my room was ready. I first got a tour of this lovely, trendy, very welcoming hostel, and then I picked a bed that looked the most promising to sleep in the next thee nights.

After that I went to grab lunch to a mexican take-away, brought the food back to the hostel and then enjoyed my bowl full of rice, two types of beans, peppers and other vegetables and very spicy (it said medium spicy, so I guess they have different standards than we do) green sauce. And cause I can't sit still, I got my bag and went to the Botanical Garden and to the Ulster museum, a museum full of everything, Irish arts, history and nature.

Even though I was really tired, I decided not to go back to the hostel just yet, especially because there is no hot water before 6PM. Instead I did more than 6000 steps extra around Belfast. I saw the City Hall, the Memorial for Titanic Victims and a modern sculpture called the Spirit of Belfast, also called the Onion Rings. :) 

After that, back to the hostel, and after a long shower, I made myself some pasta with tomato sauce. Yeah, I also cook on this trip. And now it's time for bed. Please, cross your fingers for good weather next two days. I really need it. Tomorrow I'm planning to discover the rest of the city and on Friday I'm going to the Giant's Causeway, and for safety reasons it's better if it's not raining then. On Friday I'm also seeing the boys from Start at Zero. Oh, how the time flies. Anyway, fingers crossed! Thanks. :) 

Cheers, Kaja.


Vegan gourmands. Good beer lovers. Punk rock and folk music listeners. Blogging enthusiasts.

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